Determination of Physiological, Morphological and Biochemical Responses of Some Corn Genotypes (Zea mays L.) to High Heat and Water Stress in Southeastern Anatolia Region

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  • Timuçin TAŞ GAP Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü
  • Abdullah ÖKTEM Harran University


Corn, water deficit, high heat, chlorophyll content, abscisic acid


This study was conducted in order to determination of physiological, morphological and biochemical responses of some corn genotypes (Zea mays L.) to high heat and water stress between 2015-2016 years at Talat Demirören research station affiliated to the GAP Agricultural Research Institute Directorate. Trial is designed in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The trial was conducted in three replications according to a split-plot design in randomized blocks in trial. Water applications (100%, 50%) were placed in the main plots and 20 maize genotypes (17 maize lines and 3 hybrid maize varieties) were placed in the sub plots. Corn genotypes were sown on May 15 for expose to high temperatures. Compared to 2016, Due to the low relative humidity and high temperature values in 2015, it was determined that yield, yield components, morphological and physiological parameters were lower in 2015. In both research years; It has been determined that the yield, yield components, morphological and physiological parameters had lower values in water deficit (50%) applications compared to full irrigation (100%) applications. According to the research results;  It was determined that ADA-9516, P32T83 and FAMOSO hybrid maize varieties and the B-76 line were found to be genotypes with high tolerance to water and high temperature stress, While, B-106, FRB-73, FrMo 17, ANT-910251 and MAE-9301 maize lines was genotypes which are sensitive  to high temperatures and water deficit. Parameters which are Cell membrane damage, chlorophyll content and pollen vitality were determined as the most practical and easy parameters to measure the level of stress. although the plants under stress conditions increased the abscisic acid levels in the research, it was determined that the increasing in the abscisic acid level didnt affect the grain yield. Abscised hormone produced by plants only ensured keep alive theirself


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How to Cite

Timuçin TAŞ, & Abdullah ÖKTEM. (2019). Determination of Physiological, Morphological and Biochemical Responses of Some Corn Genotypes (Zea mays L.) to High Heat and Water Stress in Southeastern Anatolia Region. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(1), 128–152. Retrieved from


