Use of Outdoor Sports Equipment Set Up in Open Green Areas in Istanbul and Evaluation of Expectations
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Open green area, fitness equipment, physical activity, weight controlAbstract
This study is located within the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and where outdoor sports equipment are placed; He conducted it in Beylikdüzü, Gürpınar, Çamlıca, Emirgan, Maçka and Yıldız Parks. A questionnaire was conducted in order to determine the profiles of the individuals using these areas and to examine the participation and expectations about the exercise equipment. In the survey; A total of 41 questions were asked under three headings: demographic structure, exercise area, and use of exercise equipment. It is seen that individuals benefit from the outdoor sports equipment in open green areas and are satisfied. While 72% of the people participating in the survey are satisfied with this application, 28% of them stated that they are not. While the highest satisfaction was in Beylikdüzün with 76%, the least satisfaction was found in Emirgan with 34%. These exercise equipment installed in the open green areas belonging to the municipality; It has been found that they use it for external appearance reasons such as losing weight or keeping it under control, improving their physical appearance and improving their social image. A number of measures should be taken to ensure the expected benefit from these activities that contribute to the mental and physical health of people. When these measures are taken, more accurate and efficient use of sports equipment in existing open green areas will be ensured. Open green spaces that are used effectively and efficiently will contribute to the public health as well as the more efficient use of people's leisure time.
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