Fog Harvest

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  • Sinan ÖZCAN Siirt Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü
  • Mine PAKYÜREK Siirt Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü



Sustainable water source, fog collectors, water scarcity, drought.


Global stress scenarios such as the industry sector, agricultural activities and climate changes, which have intensified with the population increase in the world in recent years, have negative effects on fresh water resources in terms of quality and quantity.Today, there is a need for the development of alternative fresh water sources that can be a solution to the decreasing and deteriorating fresh water sources. Fog harvest, which is a method based on obtaining water from the fog, is one of the alternative fresh water production techniques that attract attention at this point. These systems are installed in coastal and mountainous areas where the presence of fog is naturally high. The principle of operation of the system is based on the fog passing through a fog collecting panel and collecting fog water by the nets inside this panel. The fog collector network is exposed directly to the atmosphere, and the foggy air is pushed through the network through the wind. The fog droplets are captured on the net, becoming larger droplets, transferred to a storage tank and collected there. Although fog water collection rates vary significantly from region to region, the collection of fog droplets depends on the diameter of the droplets, the wind speed and the structure of the collection surface. The success of the system mostly depends on the structure and type of the fog collecting cage. Depending on the amount and quality of fog water collected in these systems, the sustainability of projects for fog harvesting is among the current research topics. This review article has been prepared to determine existing models and designs for fog water harvesting and to investigate which parameters fog harvest is based on as a sustainable fresh water source worldwide.


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How to Cite

Sinan ÖZCAN, & Mine PAKYÜREK. (2019). Fog Harvest. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(1), 33–48.


