Determination of Efficacy of Some Fungicides Against Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae Species Causing Economic Losses in Plants

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Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae, in vitro, combined fungicide, sensitivity, inhibition percentage


Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae has recently caused economic losses by inducing drying, cancerous wounds and deaths in plants. In this study, the in vitro activities of Thiophanatemethyl + Tetraconazole (Y*) and Pyraclastrobin + Fluxapyroxad (P*) active substances and the formulation applied as a mixture of these two fungicides (Y*+P*) were investigated on Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae isolated from pistachio trees. Field doses (mg L-¹) of fungicides were adapted to Petri dishes and applied in four treatments. Mycelial discs from N. novaehollandiae isolates were soaked in fungicide solution and placed in PDA medium to simulate natural field conditions. Mycelial growth diameters in Petri dishes were measured and % inhibition rates of fungicides were calculated at the end of the experiment. When the Petri dishes in the control group were completely covered, the experiment was terminated. As a result of the application, Y* fungicide showed an inhibition effect of 61.2%, P* fungicide showed an inhibition effect of 89.3% and P*+Y* application showed an inhibition effect of 100% and it was found that the fungicide mixture was more effective. In addition, the fungustatic and fungicidal activity of the fungicides was investigated in a revitalisation test. It was found that the Y* fungicide, which grew to 0.95 cm but did not form conidia, was fungistatic and the P* and Y*+P* fungicides were fungicidal. Fungicidal substances can control pathogens, while fungistatic substances suppress them. There is no registered product to control N. novaehollandiae, so this study is important.


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How to Cite

KILINÇ, B., GÜLDÜR, M. E. ., & DİKİLİTAŞ , M. . (2025). Determination of Efficacy of Some Fungicides Against Neoscytalidium novaehollandiae Species Causing Economic Losses in Plants. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9(1), 22–35.


