Detection and Pathogenicity of Fusarium proliferatum Causing Wilt in Cotton in Sanliurfa Province of Turkey

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Fusarium proliferatum, Fusarium wilt, cotton, pathogenicity, molecular diagnosis


Between 2021 and 2023, a comprehensive survey was conducted using a random sampling method in Sanliurfa province and its districts, which are significant cotton production areas in the GAP Region. Fusarium isolates were collected from a large portion of the cotton fields, which were examined homogeneously in the north, south, east, and west directions. The molecular identification and diagnosis of the obtained Fusarium proliferatum isolates were performed using two different gene regions, ITS and TEF-1α. Pathogenicity tests were conducted on susceptible cotton varieties, Candia and C-92. As a result of this study, Fusarium proliferatum and Verticillium dahliae were found to be widespread in cotton-growing areas of Şanlıurfa province and its districts. The varieties affected by these pathogens, were five commercial cotton varieties exhibited symptoms of wilting, yellowing, and drying. The findings will help farmers make informed decisions about which cotton varieties to plant in the coming years. Additionally, the results of this study are expected to contribute to the development of resistant or tolerant cotton lines against the Fusarium proliferatum pathogen. This, in turn, will support the establishment of resistance management strategies for combating Fusarium wilt disease and aid cotton breeders in their resistance breeding efforts.


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How to Cite

BİLGİLİ, A. (2025). Detection and Pathogenicity of Fusarium proliferatum Causing Wilt in Cotton in Sanliurfa Province of Turkey. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 9(1), 304–318.


