The Effects of Soil and Foliar Humic + Fulvic Acid Applications on Yield and Yield Components of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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Cotton, humic acid, soil application, foliar application, seed cotton yieldÖzet
The study was carried out to determine the effects of soil and foliar humic+fulvic acid applications on yield and yield components of cotton. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. Stoneville-468 cotton cultivar and humic+fulvic acid were used as the materials of the experiment. The main plots consisted of soil applications (0, 1000, 2000 and 3000 g ha-1 humic+fulvic acid), and the sub-plots were foliar applications (0, 12.5, 25 and 37.5 kg ha-1 humic+fulvic acid). The highest seed cotton yield, seed cotton weight per boll, ginning outturn and lint index were obtained in 2000 g ha-1 soil×250 g ha-1 foliar treatment. The highest number of sympodial branches was obtained in 1000 g ha-1 soil×125 g ha-1 of foliar treatment. The highest seed index was recorded in 2000 g ha-1 soil×375 g ha-1 foliar treatment. The highest number of bolls per plant was obtained in 1000 g ha-1 soil application. The results concluded that humic+fulvic acid application had no significant effect on earliness ratio. The number of monopodial branches and plant height in humic + fulvic acid applications were lower compared to the control treatment. The number of bolls per plant increased with humic+fulvic acid applications. The results indicated that recomended only for soil application is 2000 g ha-1, only for foliar application is 125 g ha-1, and both for soil and foliar application is 2000 g ha-1 soil×250 g ha-1 foliar.
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