Morphological, Physical and Chemical Characteristics, Classification and Evaluation of Soils Formed on Common Parent Materials in Şanlıurfa for Forensic Applications

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Forensic use of soils, soil properties, soil classification, Şanlıurfa


Soils are one of the important evidences used in forensic applications. However, since the soil is a very variable and dynamic asset, there are some limitations in its use as evidence. In this work, the morphological, physical and chemical properties of the soils formed on the materials commonly found in the province of Şanlıurfa were examined and classified, and their usability for forensic use was evaluated. For this purpose, three soil profiles were defined from the soils formed on four common main materials, soil samples were analyzed and classified according to the horizon. According to the results of the research, soil color, clay accumulation, lime gypsum accumulation, sand, silt, clay rates, classes and sudden texture change, organic matter distribution have been observed. Soil profiles are classified in two ordoes: Inceptisol and Vertisol. Soils with significant soil variations on different main materials; the fact that soil taxonomy does not have sufficient discrimination power that forensic science needs. Therefore, for forensic


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How to Cite

İNCİ, Y., GÜNDOĞAN, R. ., BİLGİLİ, A. V. ., & RAMAZANOĞLU, E. . (2023). Morphological, Physical and Chemical Characteristics, Classification and Evaluation of Soils Formed on Common Parent Materials in Şanlıurfa for Forensic Applications. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(4), 891–903.


