The Effect Of Plant Activators In Certain Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Varieties On Yield and Yield Components in Different Applications

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  • Feride ATEŞ Harran university
  • Mustafa OKANT Harran University



Common vetch (Vicia sativa L.), plant activator, mega mineral, calcium


The research was conducted in implementation of land of GAP International Agricultural Research and Training Center Directorate in 2014-2015 production year in order to study the effect of plant activator on yield and yield components of different applications in some common vetch kinds (Vicia sativa L.) in Diyarbakir ecological conditions. In this study A total of four different common vetch cultivars were used, and field trials were founded through 3 repetitions according to parcel experimental design split in a randomized blocks. In the study; some features such as plant height, forage yield, dry matter yield, crude protein content, the number of main stem (units), leaf chlorophyll content (mg kg-1 ), and main stem length (cm) were established. According to the research results; values of plant height of the genotypes ranged from 23.3 to 47.8 cm, chlorophyll ratio from 37.47 to 55.23%, green grass yield from1.20 to 4:27 kg of green/plant, hay yield from 0.32-1.06 kg of green/plant, crude protein content from 18.57 % to 22.37 %, number of main stems from 2.07 to 2.53, and main stem length from 36.27 to 65.00 cm. According to these results, in Diyarbakir province climate and soil conditions; the Alper type has been proposed to grow through application no. 4 In order for hay production.


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How to Cite

Feride ATEŞ, & Mustafa OKANT. (2019). The Effect Of Plant Activators In Certain Common Vetch (Vicia sativa L.) Varieties On Yield and Yield Components in Different Applications. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 3(1), 1–8.


