Effects of Harvest-threshing Methods Used in Lentil Harvesting on Fuel consumption, grain Losses and Machine Field Capacity

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Lentil, mechanization, harvesting-threshing, fuel consumption, field capacity


This study was carried out between 24-31 May 2022 during the lentil harvest season in the fields where Fırat 87 red lentil varieties, which have 3 different geometric shapes and belong to 3 different producers, were planted in Dicle District of Diyarbakır province. The study was carried out in two stages: harvesting and threshing . In the first stage, three different harvesting machines were used for lentil harvesting. In the second stage, the threshing process of the harvested lentils was carried out by different thresher. In the study, grain losses, fuel consumption per unit area and machine field capacities were examined according to landshape and the machines used. According to the results, the grain loss rate varied between 7.9-8.69%. Average fuel consumption varies depending on field type and machine methods used. Fuel consumption values varied between 0.975 l/da and 1.175 l/da. Average fuel consumption in the field with a large production area was found to be lower than in other fields. It has been observed that the machines used in threshing the lentils left to dry in the field after harvest vary in terms of fuel consumption depending on the field shape. The weight of the threshing machines and the geometric shapes of the fields were effective in increasing the fuel consumption per unit area. The highest machine field capacity in threshing was obtained as 5.25 da/h in the third method, in which a single-knife finger type machine was used, and in the field with a small area, while the first and second methods, in which fingerless double-knife machines were used, showed similarities and were obtained as 3.30 and 3.69, respectively.




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How to Cite

DEMİREL, İlyas, & SESSİZ, A. (2023). Effects of Harvest-threshing Methods Used in Lentil Harvesting on Fuel consumption, grain Losses and Machine Field Capacity. ISPEC Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 7(3), 670–680. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8361917


